
This is a personal weblog based on my life with Bernese Mountain Dogs. The opinions expressed here represent my own and and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of any clubs, organizations or committees that I may be associated with. Please feel free to comment on any post, but profane, abusive or rude comments will not be tolerated - please be polite, even if you disagree.
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Monday, March 9, 2009

Limping and Tuggy

Maggie has been doing very well with leaving her bandages alone.  She only needed to wear the cone on Saturday, and since then has not been bothering with licking or biting her foot at all.  She has however, been limping quite a bit.  I am hoping that all the muscles and tendons just need time to stretch out.  She spent 11 weeks with a splint on and so for 11 weeks her foot was positioned like a ballerina - with her toes pointed straight down - not a natural position for a dog's foot.  I have been massaging and stretching her leg and foot, so I hope that will help.  She could really use hydro-therapy treatments or something similar - too bad the treatment centres are all so far away.

Bosley's toy drive training is going very well.  As soon as I say "where is your tuggy?"  he starts hopping up and down and runs to the drawer where tuggy is hiding.  I am now letting him tug on the toy, and he has never tugged so hard or growled so much.  It takes all my strength to hold on to tuggie when Bosley is tugging so hard. He is loving it!  


  1. YAY for the tuggy Bosley!!!!!!!

    I hope the limp gets better with Maggie, I'm sure your massaging will help her, hugs to Maggie

  2. Wow... those 11 weeks seem to have gone by fast.

    I bet Maggie's foot and leg will do better once they have more time to get back to normal.

    Good job Bosley!!!
    We need to work on that!

    Lots of Luv & Kisses
    Addie and Lucie
