
This is a personal weblog based on my life with Bernese Mountain Dogs. The opinions expressed here represent my own and and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of any clubs, organizations or committees that I may be associated with. Please feel free to comment on any post, but profane, abusive or rude comments will not be tolerated - please be polite, even if you disagree.
All photos and posts in this blog are the property of the blog author and may not be used without direct consent.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


These pictures are from a couple days ago, and yes, we still have a lot of snow.  Much of it has melted in the past day or so, but my yard still has a lot.  Although it would be nice to see some green grass again, I don't really mind the mild temperatures and bit of snow that we have been getting.  Compared to the devastating tornados, wildfires and flooding that are happening right now in other parts of North America, I am more than happy to put up with a bit of snow.  Besides that, the dogs love it!!!


  1. We Goldens LOVE freezing weather too! We will never get tired or exhausted in that kind of weather. Beautiful pictures! Is that Maggie on the rock? Sure looks like her.

  2. Oh wow! Snow!! Our grass finally turned green this weekend and now we've got to get our lawn mower fixed! Hope you see your grass again soon!

