Today our agility club was invited out to put on a demo for the annual Humane Society's Dog Jog. It was a lot of fun. We had a mini course set up, a relay race, a course with just tunnels and weaves and a 24 pole weave pole challenge. Maggie was in the mini course and the relay and Bosley was in the mini course, the tunnel weave course and the weave challenge.
Bosley on the teeter - his feet barely stay on!

Here is Bosley in the weave challenge. He did really well and didn't even seem to notice the extra set of 12 poles. We didn't win however - you can't beat those Corgis and Border Collies! He did however, finish the poles in a respectable 10.7 seconds - not bad for a big boy.

A cheer for Bosley as he finishes his last pole of the challenge.

I video taped the 24 weave pole challenge and put together this video of all the participants.
Bosley is awesome fast through those poles. I just cant get over how fast he can go. Thats a lot of body to get thur those skinny poles. Great job. Diana
ReplyDeleteKim you say you lost the Team Relay by a "hair", I prefer to say you lost the Team Relay by a "Flat-coat", oh Kaleb .... he just couldn;t resist saying hi to his Grammy :)
ReplyDeleteMaggie was on fire on Saturday...she flew through those courses! So sweet! And Bosley is pretty handsome as well:).
ReplyDeleteWhat a great video, Kim! What is interesting is that every dog has its own particular style of going through the weaves. I think the poles should be a little bit further apart for big boys like Bosley, who did an awesome job!
Bosley, for a big dog like you, you did pretty well & oh my! That shorty dog sure was fast & the last dog was wicked fast! I wish I could go as fast as them. I wonder if my son River will be as good as you guys when he's ready for it?
Saggy Gold Dancer
Love the video! Your big guy did great!